Representative Projects
XpressWest High Speed Rail Project (a.k.a DesertXpress; 160-mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor from Victorville, CA, to Las Vegas, NV)
Oakland International Airport Master Plan (Expansion of North and South Airfield Facilities, Alameda County, CA)
Coyote Springs Project (40,000+-acre Mixed-Use Land Development in Clark and Lincoln Counties, NV)
Great Salt Lake Minerals Expansion Project (60,000+-acre Solar Evaporation Pond Expansion, Box Elder and Weber Counties, UT)
UCSC Long Marine Laboratory (Expansion and Habitat Restoration of Long Marine Campus, Santa Cruz, CA)
Redwood Shores Levee Maintenance Project (Upgraded Redwood Shores and San Carlos Airport Levee to obtain FEMA certification, City of Redwood City and City of San Carlos, CA)
Queen Liliuokalani Trust Lands Project (Master-Planned Community Project, Kona, HI)
EcoEléctrica Project (1,400-acre Gas-Fired Power Plant and LNG Terminal Site, Puerto Rico)
Athens Power Generation Plant & Intake Structure Project (1,500-acre Gas-Fired Power Plant Site, Athens, NY)
Cuiabá Power Plant (Determination of Hydrologic Impact Areas for Two Gas Pipeline Corridors from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, to Cuiabá, Brazil)
Wetland Delineation
The foundation of project environmental impact assessments and evaluations is a determination of the presence or absence of environmental regulatory agency jurisdiction, and if present, the geographic extent of this jurisdiction within the project site. HBG’s scientists delineate wetlands and other aquatic resources to determine the presence or absence of jurisdictional waters subject to US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), state, and local jurisdiction. A jurisdictional delineation provides essential knowledge the project developer uses to develop permitting strategies and determine project costs, timeframes, and, ultimately, project feasibility.
HBG president Terry Huffman developed the Corps/US EPA wetlands definition and the technical criteria for the three-parameter methodology used today for determining wetland boundaries while he was the Chief Wetland Scientist for the Corps.
Jurisdictional delineation methods are also used to identify areas with hydrologic constraints where limited-to-no site-specific hydrology data are available to predict the location of, for example, wave erosion hazards or seasonal high groundwater, ponding, and/or flooding.
Representative Services
Pre-Project jurisdictional waters delineations defining the onsite extent of regulatory jurisdiction of the:
US Army Corps of Engineers
State Coastal Zone Management and Protection Agencies and Commissions
State and Regional Water Quality Authorities
State Lands Commissions
State Fish & Wildlife Management and Protection Agencies
County and City Resource Protection Plans
Post-Impact forensic jurisdictional boundary delineations

XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada

Upgraded Redwood Shores and San Carlos Airport Levee to obtain FEMA certification, City of Redwood City and City of San Carlos, CA

Springtown Natural Communities Reserve, Livermore, California

XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada