Representative Projects
XpressWest High Speed Rail Project (160-mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor from Victorville, CA, to Las Vegas, NV)
Graton Rancheria Casino and Hotel Development Project, Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, CA
Coyote Springs Master Plan Community Projects, Clark and Lincoln Counties, NV
Topaz Solar Farm Project, San Luis Obispo County, CA
Great Salt Lake Minerals Development Project, Great Salt Lake, UT
Redwood Shores Levee Improvement Project, Redwood City, CA
Preserve at Redwood Shores and Salt Court Project (Development of an Elementary School, 158-unit Townhome Development, and Tidal Wetland Restoration), City of Redwood City, CA
Foster City Lagoon Dredging Project, Foster City, CA
EcoEléctrica Power Plant and LNG Terminal Project, Guayanilla Bay, PR
Regulatory Permitting
HBG has a reputation for successfully obtaining Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Water Quality Control Board authorizations for complex, controversial, and technically challenging projects. For example, recent projects include obtaining federal and state environmental permits for a 160-mile-long high speed rail project between Victorville, CA, and Las Vegas, NV; a 550 MW solar farm in San Luis Obispo County, CA; and a residential/school project along San Francisco Bay that included restoration of 90 acres of non-tidal historical baylands as a functioning full tidal wetland.
We offer a broad range of permitting services addressing constraints related to wetlands, other sensitive habitats, and special status species. We work collaboratively with our clients, their attorneys, engineers, and other consultants. Using our technical and regulatory expertise, experience conducting supporting biological and ecological studies, and long-term familiarity with federal and state regulatory agency staff and their policies, we develop innovative permitting strategies and negotiate complex issues for our clients.
Under federal statutes and regulations, we obtain environmental authorizations and the consistency determinations required prior to agency authorization including:
Corps Section 404 Clean Water Act and Section 10 Rivers & Harbors Act Permits
Federal and State 401 Water Quality Certifications
Federal and State 402 NPDES Permits
Consistency Determinations
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Consultations
USFWS and NMFS ESA Section 10A Take Authorizations (Habitat Conservation Plans)
NMFS Essential Fish Habitat Consistency Determinations
Federal and State Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determinations
Federal and State Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Consistency
We also obtain permits and authorizations under state statutes and regulations such as California Lake & Streambed Alteration Program Agreements under Fish and Wildlife Code Section 1600 et seq. and California Endangered Species Act Coordination/Take Authorizations under Fish and Wildlife Code sections 2080–2089.

XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada

Upgraded Redwood Shores and San Carlos Airport Levee to obtain FEMA certification, City of Redwood City and City of San Carlos, CA

Springtown Natural Communities Reserve, Livermore, California

XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada